Law office for inheritance law

Bremen center

Do you need competent support in inheritance law in Bremen? CDR Legal is your reliable partner for all inheritance law matters. We represent testators, heirs, beneficiaries of compulsory portions, executors and other parties involved in an inheritance case – both nationally and internationally. Our aim is to offer you legally secure and economically sound solutions.

Arrange a free initial consultation
Financial tip
Stiftung Warentest - Logo
Known from Die Zeit
Known from commentary in the Frankfurter Allgemeine
Known from commentary Süddeutsche
Your reliable partner for inheritance law in Bremen

Your reliable partner for inheritance law in Bremen

The law office CDR Legal in Bremen is your competent partner for inheritance disputes, the enforcement of compulsory portion claims and other inheritance law matters. Our experienced lawyers will help you to resolve conflicts within the community of heirs and assist you with the settlement of the estate.

In a free initial consultation, you will receive a non-binding assessment of your legal situation as well as information on possible courses of action. This allows you to decide for yourself which legal steps you would like to take. With CDR Legal, you always have full cost control and decide which services we can take on for you.

“Especially in inheritance disputes, it is an enormous relief when legal peace is restored. When you have a neutral and empathetic partner at your side who supports you and is available for ideas and discussions.”

Initial consultation

Give us a call - and find out promptly how you can enforce your rights.

  • Professional expertise
  • Honest assessment of your chances
  • Transparent, reliable & goal-oriented
0421 / 94803990

Clients' experiences with us

German Bar Association
DVEV - German Association for Inheritance Law and Property Succession e. V.
Known from Die Zeit
Known from commentary in the Frankfurter Allgemeine
Known from commentary Süddeutsche


Bahnhofsplatz 42, 28195 Bremen

  • If you arrive by car, you can park directly in the parking garage "DB BahnPark Parkhaus Hochgarage am Bahnhof P1" (calculate route on Google Maps) from €1.20 per hour (more information). The lawyer's office is then only a 2-minute walk away.
  • You can reach the address by public transport using any means of transport that goes to the main station.
  • Walk from the main station directly towards Bahnhofsplatz and follow the street until you reach number 42.

The address is located in the Bahnhofsvorstadt in the Bremen-Mitte district. The main railway station and the Übersee-Museum Bremen are nearby.

Calculate route
0421 / 94803990

Your legal support: with empathy, expertise and transparency.

Get clarity about your legal situation - free of charge and without obligation in an initial consultation. This is how it works:

Your advantages with CDR Legal

  • Exclusive acceptance of cases with realistic chances of success
  • Full cost transparency before every service
  • Lawyers with many years of experience and legal precision
0421 / 94803990
Make an appointment
More about the law office

Simply fill out the following contact form and we will get back to you promptly for an initial consultation.

Frequently asked questions

When will I receive the free initial assessment?

If you make an appointment with us, we will call you as requested. If you contact us via the contact form, we will get back to you within two working days. If the initial assessment is not possible, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What can I expect from CDR Legal?

Honest, transparent, competent and comprehensible advice. We are committed and personally committed to your economic and legal interests and accompany you with a clear view of the opportunities and risks - from the first meeting to the conclusion of your case. We will inform you in good time before you incur any costs.

What costs will I incur?

The first consultation is free of charge. Before you incur any costs, we will inform you in good time so that you can decide for yourself how to proceed. In accordance with the German Lawyers' Fees Act (RVG), the costs depend on the value of your case. If this is unclear or if there is a special case, we will agree an hourly rate together.

Who pays the costs?

Our law firm's free service also includes a request for cover from your legal expenses insurance. If this is negative, we will discuss the costs and risks with you step by step. We only charge you costs that we have discussed with you in advance. Especially if you do not have legal expenses insurance, we will handle your case very carefully.

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