Get an honest and transparent assessment of your chances directly from an expert lawyer

The team at CDR Legal prioritizes personal client care and comprehensive transparency with regard to costs and processes.

Arrange a free initial consultation
Your specialists in banking law, capital market law and inheritance law - CDR Legal

Your specialists in banking law, capital market law and inheritance law

With many years of experience and broad specialist knowledge, owner and lawyer Corinna Ruppel, together with currently seven colleagues, supports her clients in enforcing their rights. She attaches particular importance to personal legal advice and transparency with regard to costs and procedures as well as a basis of trust with the client.

As a fully digitalized law firm with four offices, CDR Legal provides professional legal services to clients throughout Germany. Various employees from Marketing, Web Development and Back Office ensure that everything runs smoothly behind the scenes.

Initial consultation

Give us a call – and find out promptly how you can enforce your rights.

  • Professional expertise
  • Honest assessment of your chances
  • Transparent, reliable & goal-oriented
08031 / 7968029

Frequently asked questions

When will I receive the free initial assessment?

If you make an appointment with us, we will call you as requested. If you contact us via the contact form, we will get back to you within two working days. If the initial assessment is not possible, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What can I expect from CDR Legal?

Honest, transparent, competent and comprehensible advice. We are committed and personally committed to your economic and legal interests and accompany you with a clear view of the opportunities and risks – from the first meeting to the conclusion of your case. We will inform you in good time before you incur any costs.

What costs will I incur?

The first consultation is free of charge. Before you incur any costs, we will inform you in good time so that you can decide for yourself how to proceed. In accordance with the German Lawyers’ Fees Act (RVG), the costs depend on the value of your case. If this is unclear or if there is a special case, we will agree an hourly rate together.

Who pays the costs?

Our law firm’s free service also includes a request for cover from your legal expenses insurance. If this is negative, we will discuss the costs and risks with you step by step. We only charge you costs that we have discussed with you in advance. Especially if you do not have legal expenses insurance, we will handle your case very carefully.

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