Law office for inheritance law

Fast, understandable and honest - directly with lawyer Corinna Ruppel

CDR Legal is your partner for all questions relating to inheritance matters. We advise and represent testators, heirs, beneficiaries of compulsory portions, executors and other persons affected by an inheritance in Germany and internationally. Always with the aim of finding economically sensible and legally secure solutions for you.

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Lawyer Corinna D. Ruppel - CDR Legal

We stand up for your inheritance rights - clearly, personally and with commitment

As a specialized law office, we support you with sound expertise and empathy in all matters of inheritance law. Whether you need to clarify the inheritance of a childless aunt, enforce your claim to a compulsory portion or resolve conflicts within a community of heirs - we offer you clear and comprehensible advice that will give you security in difficult times.

We are also there for you quickly and reliably when it comes to challenges such as emptied accounts after a death or inheritance law issues relating to stepchildren. Put your trust in our experience and let us work together to protect your rights and ensure your success.

Initial consultation

Give us a call - and find out promptly how you can enforce your rights.

  • Professional expertise
  • Honest assessment of your chances
  • Transparent, reliable & goal-oriented
08031 / 7968029

Clients' experiences with us

German Bar Association
DVEV - German Association for Inheritance Law and Property Succession e. V.
Known from Die Zeit
Known from commentary in the Frankfurter Allgemeine
Known from commentary Süddeutsche

Your legal support: with empathy, expertise and transparency.

Get clarity about your legal situation - free of charge and without obligation in an initial consultation. This is how it works:

Your advantages with CDR Legal

  • Exclusive acceptance of cases with realistic chances of success
  • Full cost transparency before every service
  • Lawyers with many years of experience and legal precision
08031 / 7968029
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More about the law office

What does inheritance law regulate?

Inheritance law regulates how the assets of a deceased person (testator) are transferred to the heirs. It comprises all legal provisions and rules relating to the estate. Specifically, inheritance law regulates the following aspects:

  • Succession
  • Will and contract of inheritance
  • Mandatory portion
  • Estate administration
  • Community of heirs
  • Rights to information
  • Special regulations

Succession, will and division of the estate

As a rule, a testator leaves a will or an inheritance contract to manage the distribution of their estate. If there is no such document or if the will is invalid, the statutory succession applies. An inheritance law firm such as CDR Legal can clarify who is entitled to inherit according to intestate succession and explain the rights and obligations of potential heirs. If there are any uncertainties about succession or doubts about the validity of a will, an inheritance lawyer will check the legal situation and help you assert your claims. For example, you can decide whether you want to accept or reject an inheritance.

Mandatory portion

The compulsory portion in inheritance law is a legally guaranteed minimum claim to the inheritance to which certain close relatives are entitled, even if they were not included in the will or inheritance contract. It serves to ensure that these persons are not completely excluded from the inheritance. As a rule, children and spouses of the deceased person are entitled to a compulsory portion, as well as the parents if there are no children. Under certain conditions, grandchildren are also entitled to their compulsory portion.

The amount of the compulsory portion is half of the statutory inheritance share. The calculation of the compulsory portion can be very complex under certain circumstances, so it may be worth seeking legal assistance from an experienced inheritance law solicitor. You can influence the compulsory portion:

The latter lead to a claim to a supplementary compulsory portion to which persons entitled to a compulsory portion are entitled pursuant to Section 2325 BGB. If you are one of the persons entitled to a compulsory portion and an inheritance has been concealed from you or you intend to contest your disinheritance, please contact us. As a law firm specializing in inheritance law, CDR Legal supports you in enforcing your claims to a compulsory portion.

Estate administration and community of heirs

A law firm specializing in inheritance law can provide support in many aspects of estate administration to ensure that the estate is handled correctly, legally compliant and efficiently. The first step is often to correctly determine the value of the estate. If real estate with a land charge is part of the inheritance or if a property transfer is to take place in the form of a legacy, the persons concerned should seek legal advice. In these cases, the compilation of all the deceased’s assets is somewhat more complex.

CDR Legal also supports you in communicating with third parties, such as banks, insurance companies, landlords or other institutions, in order to settle the estate. We are also at your side in the event of disputes within the community of heirs or even partition actions. If the heir refuses to leave you a legacy or if you need advice on whether you should accept or refuse a legacy, please contact us.

Rights to information in inheritance law

Under inheritance law, various people have a statutory right to information in order to ensure transparency about the estate. These primarily include the heirs, who have a right to receive comprehensive information about the estate. Authorized persons of the testator therefore have a duty to provide information to the heirs. Persons entitled to a compulsory portion can also request information from the heirs or the estate administrator about the amount and composition of the estate in order to be able to calculate their claims. Creditors and legatees also have a right to information under certain circumstances. A lawyer specializing in inheritance law can help to enforce claims for information or ensure that these are properly fulfilled in order to avoid disputes. If you suspect misrepresentations in the estate register, seek legal assistance.

Special regulations in inheritance law: how CDR Legal can help you

Special regulations in inheritance law can quickly lead to uncertainties, as they often deviate from the general statutory succession. Examples include the inheritance rights of spouses and life partners, the rights of adopted or illegitimate children, as well as the application of international inheritance law in the case of cross-border estates. Special agreements such as waivers of compulsory portions or the execution of wills also fall into this area. As a law firm for inheritance law, CDR Legal helps you to understand and correctly apply these regulations, to develop individual strategies for estate planning or to enforce claims. In this way, legal pitfalls can be avoided and the estate settled in the best possible way.

Simply fill out the following contact form and we will get back to you promptly for an initial consultation.

Frequently asked questions

When will I receive the free initial assessment?

If you make an appointment with us, we will call you as requested. If you contact us via the contact form, we will get back to you within two working days. If the initial assessment is not possible, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

What can I expect from CDR Legal?

Honest, transparent, competent and comprehensible advice. We are committed and personally committed to your economic and legal interests and accompany you with a clear view of the opportunities and risks - from the first meeting to the conclusion of your case. We will inform you in good time before you incur any costs.

What costs will I incur?

The first consultation is free of charge. Before you incur any costs, we will inform you in good time so that you can decide for yourself how to proceed. In accordance with the German Lawyers' Fees Act (RVG), the costs depend on the value of your case. If this is unclear or if there is a special case, we will agree an hourly rate together.

Who pays the costs?

Our law firm's free service also includes a request for cover from your legal expenses insurance. If this is negative, we will discuss the costs and risks with you step by step. We only charge you costs that we have discussed with you in advance. Especially if you do not have legal expenses insurance, we will handle your case very carefully.

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